在暫時放棄玩中文版的doom3後 我先把目標改成將原版過關就好 但沒想到在到了一個可以用觸控面板呼叫移動平台到3個站點的地方時 遊戲就跳出了,並在一個小視窗中顯示了以下訊息 看起來是一些檔案讀取失敗造成的…? 看不太懂該怎麼辦,所以上來請教一下這種情況有辦法自行修復嗎? https://i.imgur.com/A29HfGD.png
===以下為訊息內容,防圖片失連用=== QA Timing INIT: 000155ms D3BFG 1.1400 win-x86 Oct 31 2022 16:14:22 3503 MHz Intel CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 & HTT 32720 MB System Memory -1 MB Video Memory Winsock Initialized Found interface: {DD234BF9-063C-4B1E-9D8F-C072C85E5DBC} Bluetooth - NULL netmask - skipped Found interface: {0909A534-D48A-4873-B443-F6017601C580} Intel(R) 82579V Gigabit Network Connection - NULL netmask - skipped Found interface: {D56D44E8-BD47-4A62-A132-57D44B588D61} Qualcomm Atheros AR8151 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20) - Found interface: {5B210D37-148C-4122-87E2-4E0CC9F50557} VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter - Sys_InitNetworking: adding loopback interface doom using MMX & SSE for SIMD processing enabled Flush-To-Zero mode enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode ------ Initializing File System ------ Loaded resource file _common.resources Loaded resource file _ordered.resources Loaded resource file _sound_pc.resources Loaded resource file _sound_pc_en.resources Reading resource CRCs... Current search path: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DOOM 3 BFG Edition/base C:\Users\user\Saved Games\id Software\DOOM 3 BFG/base file system initialized. -------------------------------------- WARNING: Unable to open resource file maps/_startup.resources ----- Initializing Decls ----- ------------------------------ Couldn't open journal files execing default.cfg execing D3BFGConfig.cfg couldn't exec autoexec.cfg ----- R_InitOpenGL ----- Initializing OpenGL subsystem with multisamples:2 stereo:0 fullscreen:1 ...registered window class ...registered fake window class ...initializing QGL ...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded ...using WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear ...testing CDS on device 0: ...testing CDS on \\.\DISPLAY1: ...CDS Test succeeded ...calling CDS: ok ...created window @ 0,0 (1440x900) Initializing OpenGL driver ...creating GL context: created OpenGL 3.2 context succeeded ...making context current: succeeded ...using WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear ------- Input Initialization ------- Initializing DirectInput... mouse: DirectInput initialized. keyboard: DirectInput initialized. freespace_version: 0.6 0 freespace devices ------------------------------------ OpenGL Version: 4.6 OpenGL Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation OpenGL GLSL : 4.6 ...using GL_ARB_multitexture ...using GL_EXT_direct_state_access ...using GL_ARB_texture_compression ...using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc ...using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic maxTextureAnisotropy: 16.000000 ...using GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias ...using GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map ...using GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB ...using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object ...using GL_ARB_map_buffer_range ...using GL_ARB_vertex_array_object ...using GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex ...using GL_ARB_fragment_program ...using GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object ...using GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test ...using GL_ARB_sync ...using GL_ARB_occlusion_query ...using GL_ARB_timer_query Couldn't find proc address for: glGetQueryObjectui64vARB ...using GL_ARB_debug_output ----- Initializing Render Shaders ----- ----- Initializing Sound System ------ 0: 2 channels, 44100 Hz Front Left and Front Right Default Console Device, Multimedia Device, Communications Device, and Game Device 1: 2 channels, 44100 Hz Front Left and Front Right 2: 2 channels, 44100 Hz Front Left and Front Right Using device 0 sound system initialized. -------------------------------------- ------- Initializing renderSystem -------- Updating texture filter parameters. renderSystem initialized. -------------------------------------- WARNING: Couldn't load image: splashbink : splashbink#__0200 Reading strings/english.lang as UTF-8 9097 strings read --------- Initializing Game ---------- gamename: baseDOOM-1 gamedate: Oct 31 2022 Initializing event system ...535 event definitions Initializing class hierarchy ...158 classes, 248240 bytes for event callbacks Initializing scripts Compiled 'E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DOOM 3 BFG Edition\base\script\doom_main.script': 916.6 ms ---------- Compile stats ---------- Memory usage: Strings: 120, 14868 bytes Statements: 95386, 1907720 bytes Functions: 3070, 386208 bytes Variables: 206532 bytes Mem used: 3558832 bytes Static data: 3515932 bytes Allocated: 4998764 bytes Thread size: 7072 bytes ...6 aas types game initialized. -------------------------------------- ReadTitleStorage: MANUALLY CREATED MAX_PLAYERS_ALLOWED = 8 ----- idRenderModelManagerLocal::EndLevelLoad ----- 0 models purged from previous level, 3 models kept. --------------------------------------------------- ----- idImageManager::EndLevelLoad ----- 30 images loaded in 0.0 seconds ---------------------------------------- ----- idSoundSystemLocal::EndLevelLoad ----- 7 sounds loaded in 0.0 seconds ---------------------------------------- ------------- Warnings --------------- during DOOM 3: BFG Edition initialization... WARNING: Unable to open resource file maps/_startup.resources WARNING: Couldn't load image: splashbink : splashbink#__0200 2 warnings requiredSizeBytes: 5242880 Preloading images... 00362 images preloaded ( or were already loaded ) in 0.3 seconds ---------------------------------------- 00259 sounds preloaded in 0.0 seconds ---------------------------------------- WARNING: Couldn't load image: _doomclassic : _doomclassic#__0200 --- Common Initialization Complete --- QA Timing IIS: 015784ms execing joy_righty.cfg NET: PartyToken is 16480 (seed = 146139) --------- Execute Map Change --------- Map: game/comm1 Loaded resource file maps/comm1.resources --------- Game Map Shutdown ---------- -------------------------------------- 17 msec to unload map 2 msec to free assets Preloading images... 02074 images preloaded ( or were already loaded ) in 1.0 seconds ---------------------------------------- 00250 models preloaded ( or were already loaded ) in 0.1 seconds ---------------------------------------- 00835 sounds preloaded in 0.1 seconds ---------------------------------------- Preloading anims... 00636 anims preloaded ( or were already loaded ) in 0.1 seconds ---------------------------------------- ------- Game Map Init SaveGame ------- collision data: 754 models 57715 vertices (1352 KB) 106254 edges (3735 KB) 90362 polygons (6317 KB) 13106 brushes (1794 KB) 31194 nodes (852 KB) 92189 polygon refs (720 KB) 30069 brush refs (234 KB) 34093 internal edges 3729 sharp edges 0 contained polygons removed 0 polygons merged 15008 KB total memory used 57 msec to load collision data. Preloading collision models... 00133 collision models preloaded ( or were already loaded ) in 0.0 seconds ---------------------------------------- map bounds are (5572.0, 6016.0, 3616.0) max clip sector is (348.3, 376.0, 226.0) 6 KB passage memory used to build PVS 3 msec to calculate PVS 76 areas 186 portals 8 areas visible on average 912 bytes PVS data [Load AAS] loading maps/game/comm1.aas48 done. [Load AAS] loading maps/game/comm1.aas96 [Load AAS] loading maps/game/comm1.aas_guardian [Load AAS] loading maps/game/comm1.aas_mancubus [Load AAS] loading maps/game/comm1.aas_sabaoth [Load AAS] loading maps/game/comm1.aas_cyberdemon -------------------------------------- ----- idRenderModelManagerLocal::EndLevelLoad ----- 0 models purged from previous level, 1369 models kept. --------------------------------------------------- ----- idImageManager::EndLevelLoad ----- WARNING: Couldn't load image: guis/assets/marscity/uac : guis/assets/marscity/uac#__0200 WARNING: Couldn't load image: _emptyname : _emptyname#__0200 WARNING: Couldn't load image: } : }#__0200 21 images loaded in 0.0 seconds ---------------------------------------- ----- idSoundSystemLocal::EndLevelLoad ----- Checksum failure for generated/sound/vo/audio_logs/mcunderground_01_frankdelahue.idwav. Shutting down OpenGL subsystem ...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success ...deleting GL context: success ...releasing DC: success ...destroying window ...resetting display ...shutting down QGL ...unloading OpenGL DLL -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(pttsite.org.tw), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://pttsite.org.tw/Steam/M.1690618175.A.CF2
vincentpp: 看了你的上一篇文 07/29 16:35
vincentpp: 建議漢化包移除乾淨後,Steam重新驗證一次檔案完整性 07/29 16:36
vincentpp: 不行的話,先確認存檔備份後,移除重新安裝遊戲 07/29 16:36
powerg5: 驗證完整性我有按過,它顯示有一個檔案錯誤 07/29 17:28
powerg5: 請問有指令可更新為正確的檔案嗎? 07/29 17:28
ejoz: 樓上是不是被包養 07/29 17:28
powerg5: 漢化包我還不是很確定怎樣叫移除"乾淨" 07/29 17:29
powerg5: 我當初只是看到漢化後的主程式執行失敗後 07/29 17:30
powerg5: 就按下了漢化包執行檔上的"還原英文版",在那之後 07/29 17:30
powerg5: 它顯示還原成功,然後我看BFG版的主程式可執行後 07/29 17:31
powerg5: 就認為它回到剛下載好的樣子了,現在看來不是的樣子 07/29 17:33
FishRoom: 未看先猜這包養 07/29 17:33
powerg5: 請問一下,如要備份存檔,要去哪裡備份哪些檔案呢? 07/29 17:33
powerg5: 因為我去了BFG主程式資料夾下,也沒看到save相關字樣 07/29 17:34
powerg5: 的檔案或資料夾,而這遊戲也沒雲端存檔的樣子 07/29 17:35
powerg5: 刪了重裝也許可修復問題,但這樣恐怕就要重玩了啊… 07/29 17:35
enthpzd: 存檔備份呀,去找存檔資料夾 07/29 18:40
KsiR: 一定又是這包養 07/29 18:40
enthpzd: C:\Users\<yourname>\Saved Games\id Software\DOOM 07/29 19:06
enthpzd: 3 Bfg\base 之中吧 07/29 19:06
j1551082: 原版不是這個,這個是大幹槍版(吐槽錯誤,有趣的那個版 07/29 19:39
j1551082: 本的雲端一路放了十年我才打完 07/29 19:39
mengskhitler: https://reurl.cc/kXWg23 不介意網誌只是想看中文可 07/29 19:50
peoples: 包養平台不意外 07/29 19:50
mengskhitler: 以看看這個,翻得不怎樣但大概可以懂。 07/29 19:51
Angesi: 還是練好英文才是治本方法 07/30 09:10
fcshden: steam doom3:bfg社群討論區有一篇教學可以成功套用中文 08/01 17:00
fcshden: 化,原po可以找一下 08/01 17:00