作者evan970106 (咖祖馬桑!!!)
標題[外電] Exit Interview - Dennis Schroder
時間2023-05-25 18:58:01
Q1:Dennis, you talked about “Unfinished business” when you signed this deal.
How did this year go for you? And you’re a free agent and what’s your
interest level in continuing with this organization?
Dennis Schroder:Like I said before, I try to make it right. And I think we sure did. We had a
helluva season. Like I mentioned yesterday, 0.3% chance to make the playoffs,
Rob made a deal at the Trade Deadline, brought 3, 4 guys in here who played
great basketball, competed on the highest level, and we turned the corner. We
beat Memphis in the playoffs, Golden State, and then lose against Denver.
Denver is a pretty good team. But we gave everything we had, I gave
everything I had, and I think it was a great season.
Q2:Dennis. Last night, LeBron closed his press conference by hinting at a
potential retirement. Earlier in the season, you had told the publication
that he had told you he’s consider playing until 45. Did that comment kind
of catch you off guard or were you aware of it?
Dennis Schroder:I haven’t even seen it yet. But I mean, I can’t see that.
I don’t know what’s going on, maybe it’s personal or whatever,
but to retire and the last game in the playoffs you make 40-10-9,
I think you still got juice to play a couple more years.
So whatever he decides, he played for 20 years, we’re
gonna support him, I’m gonna support him. Hopefully he will come back.
Q3:Hi Dennis. While there’s always an unknown with free agency and all that,
Rob was just saying earlier how it’s a priority to have continuity. If that’
s the case next season, what do you think you guys can accomplish and build
Dennis Schroder:We set a tone again this year of making the playoffs
and being competitive.
The year before, they didn’t make the playoffs, and to come to the
Conference Finals and compete, and set the tone for this organization, Darvin
as the head coach, we know how as a competitor, how he competes, and we
worked our butts off everyday to get better. And like I said, for this
organization, I think we set the tone and how we get out and compete at the
highest level every night.
Q4:Dennis. You’re aware of the roster upheaval around the league and today’s
NBA, obviously the contract structures varies, what do you think of this
group as constructed and if you’re the one making the call
like Rob Pelinka,
would you try to field a similar roster next year and make another run at it?
如果你是Rob Pelinka,你是否會組建一支類似的球隊來衝擊明年賽季?
Dennis Schroder:I think the core group for sure.
Like I said, Bron, I don’t know his situation;
‘Bron, AD, Austin, Rui, D-Lo, I mean there’s so many people here.
Of course you try to make that happen because we were very close off
making it to the Finals and compete for the championship so of course you’ve
got to think about that. But I mean luckily I’m not in this position to make
the decisions. He gotta make the right decisions for this organization and I
think he will. Just go from there.
Q5:Dennis, obviously you were here a couple years ago and you played
pretty well and then you weren’t here and now you’re back.
Just wondering what it is about you, the way you play,
part of that competitiveness, what makes you a great fit?
Dennis Schroder:I mean, Darvin knows.
When I was 18, 19, I came to Atlanta when I got drafted,
Darvin was my assistant coach
and he knows what I bring to the table
and how I feel about my team, and my teammates, the organization, that’s the
reason why he brought me here.
In some way, lead the team, be a great person in the locker room,
compete on the highest level on the court,
and I think that’s what I brought to the team.
We have a lot of competitiveness in the locker room
and that’s the reason why we made it.
But I think, me not taking a game off,
giving everything I have, 110%, helped this group.
Q6:Dennis. It’s too early, but what do you want to do this offseason. Are you
going to the Basketball World Cup?
Dennis Schroder:Yeah. I’mma take off a week or two weeks,
spend time with my family because they sacrificed so much,
just being there for me.
My wife doing everything for me so I can be on my highest level playing,
didn’t see my kids too much,
so I’ll take one or two weeks off to go on vacation with them, spend time
with them, and then I go back to Germany, see my family there, my friends.
And a couple of weeks later, training camp starts for the World Cup. I want
to play for sure, and I can’t wait to write another history in the summer.
That would be crazy for Germany, for myself, for the Federation, so I’m
ready for it.
Q7:Hi Dennis. Another question about the World Cup. If you participate in the
World Cup, you’re gonna play against Japan, what are you looking forward to?
Dennis Schroder:Rui.
He said he might not play, I don’t know what his situation is, but we
played once, I think it was in 2019. That was when he first got drafted.
We played in Japan and that was a very fun game. So I can’t wait to play
against Japan in Japan as well.
The crowd is gonna be crazy, insane, and I can’t wait for it.
Hopefully Rui's gonna play as well.
英文內容都是聽影片逐字打的,可能有些口語內容有省略,如You know,之類的
之後會盡量每個人都做,Darvin Ham跟Rob Pelinka的就不一定了XD
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(pttsite.org.tw), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://pttsite.org.tw/Lakers/M.1685012286.A.B0E
推 jetloading00: 有腿總在,我很有信心德軟會留,他也是能把德軟生 05/25 18:59
→ jetloading00: 涯最大化延長的人 05/25 18:59
推 TheoEpstein: 推翻譯 05/25 19:00
→ TheoEpstein: 看德軟一直提到火腿,我覺得穩了XD 這個師徒情好深 05/25 19:00
→ jetloading00: 火腿跟佩總的有20分鐘,要翻譯太累了XD 05/25 19:00
推 lezabo: 是這個包養平台嗎 05/25 19:00 推 matsuwu: DS看起來就是會留XDDD FAMILY !!! 05/25 19:01
推 hanslins: 不過既然會留該給的還是要給,小中產全給 05/25 19:05
推 JadenHardy1: 推翻譯 05/25 19:05
→ hanslins: 我看到有人還想拆小中產或者底薪,我真的覺得有夠慣老 05/25 19:06
→ hanslins: 闆 05/25 19:06
推 silberger: 交男友跟包養有什麼差別 05/25 19:06 → hanslins: 今年的德軟對於湖人就是超過一千萬 05/25 19:06
推 yourmmaa: 有關係真的有差,希望小中產就給德軟了,他有大賽經驗 05/25 19:06
→ yourmmaa: 跟大心臟 這種優勢其實聯盟中不多 05/25 19:06
推 BignoZe: 能夠多少就給多少了 05/25 19:08
推 willian930: 德軟如果願意繼續替補又能不用太貴一定要留,能帶替 05/25 19:08
推 xayile: 包養網到底在紅什麼? 05/25 19:08 → willian930: 補能繞檔又健康的人不多了 05/25 19:08
推 richard1003: 還要打世界盃有夠操,不過他是德國一哥沒辦法 05/25 19:09
推 monkeydpp: DS沒有要動刀嗎??他不是受傷了嗎?? 05/25 19:10
推 jetloading00: 不可能拆啦,就是小中產給滿,拆就算德軟答應我也 05/25 19:11
→ jetloading00: 會噓,有夠沒氣度 05/25 19:11
推 cazo: 有人被包養嗎 05/25 19:11 → hanslins: 這個國防部長一樣啊,他如果不想黑掉只能參加 05/25 19:11
推 frankie30432: 給德軟越多越好 功勞苦勞都做滿了 05/25 19:11
→ kobegary34: 靠火腿話術了 05/25 19:11
→ jetloading00: 德軟的傷比較是需要休息就好,倒沒有消息說要動刀 05/25 19:11
推 izilo: 求包養...管飽就好XD 05/25 19:11 → jetloading00: 的樣子 05/25 19:11
→ hanslins: 就有雲球迷希望德軟再簽底薪或者拆小中產,我真的會笑 05/25 19:12
→ hanslins: 死 05/25 19:12
推 ljk476820: 軟寶貝真的辛苦了 05/25 19:12
推 jason911152: 德軟也是夠扛的了 05/25 19:12
推 SEDAP: 阿姨!我不想努力了(求包養) 05/25 19:12 推 matsuwu: 打金塊G4活動力有比G3好。他身體也是鐵打的一員 05/25 19:13
推 lakb24: 相較於軟手,德軟真的討喜多了,希望湖人能留下他。 05/25 19:15
推 wii128: 少數限制Murray的球員 讚讚der 05/25 19:15
推 addison30912: 他是肌腱炎不是斷掉,基本上休息時間夠,做做增生治療 05/25 19:16
→ addison30912: 其實效果不錯 05/25 19:16
推 TUZom: 有沒有富二代要包養我 05/25 19:16 推 LBJKO: Respect 但真的希望他多休息 去打國際賽沒休養好怕代償的 05/25 19:18
推 originalblue: 真的希望能全額中產留住,要壓價也是壓dlo 05/25 19:19
推 addison30912: 有休到4~6周其實應該就會痊癒了 05/25 19:19
→ originalblue: 講錯,是小中產給滿啦 05/25 19:20
→ addison30912: 大部分的肌腱炎休息都還不錯,問題是會中的人通常都 05/25 19:20
推 Jiulon: 身邊有朋友被包養嗎 05/25 19:20 → addison30912: 都不能休息,尤其是賽季中的運動員..... 05/25 19:20
推 jetloading00: 德軟 八村 這種等級國際賽一哥都很難推辭的XD 相忍 05/25 19:24
→ jetloading00: 為國情緒勒索一下誰敢不打 05/25 19:24
→ jetloading00: 不過德軟是真的把國家隊國際賽看很重 05/25 19:25
推 fack3170: 留吧 軟 05/25 19:26
推 laetuon: 亞洲最大包養平台上線了 05/25 19:26 推 addison30912: 德軟應該真的是愛國拉,我記得他好像還有找AR一起XD 05/25 19:28
→ hanslins: 國防部長也是被情緒勒索啊,不過他還有未完成兵役,所 05/25 19:30
→ hanslins: 以他也不該拒絕 05/25 19:30
→ DevilMayCry4: 感覺還要打國際賽是不是沒時間休息 05/25 19:31
→ DevilMayCry4: 這季他在隊上的拼勁真是給他大大的respect 05/25 19:32
推 slot365: 這個包養網正妹好多 是真的嗎 05/25 19:32 → DevilMayCry4: first to the floor拼球的常常都是他 05/25 19:33
推 laking: 看起來就草跟他二選一了 05/25 19:38
推 jetloading00: 有啊 AR說德軟整個球季都在旁邊盧他一起打德國隊X 05/25 19:43
→ jetloading00: D 然後德軟說他兒子是AR粉XD 05/25 19:43
→ hanslins: 一定德軟優先 05/25 19:43
推 colortea: 真的有這麼多人在找包養嗎 05/25 19:43 → hanslins: 而且兩個都留對Max發展不利 05/25 19:43
推 slowsoul1998: 真不休息啊....都快30了這樣操好嗎 05/25 19:46
推 KyleKuzma: 除非德軟跟阿布達比酋長一樣收到一個無法拒絕的報價 05/25 19:52
→ KyleKuzma: 不然應該穩了 05/25 19:52
推 samuelass: 最重要的德軟腳傷?? 05/25 19:58
推 glenber: 有人可以分析一下包養平台的差異嗎 05/25 19:58 → samuelass: 喔喔休息就可以 那還好 05/25 19:59
推 booyah0212: 軟寶貝超讚 沒想到這次回來大家愛的要死XD 05/25 20:04
推 hsincheng: 今年德軟超重要的啊!救了好幾場 05/25 20:08
推 negotiates: 感謝德軟的8400(X 05/25 20:10
推 LYheha: 明年希望德軟可以在湖人拿個第六人~ 05/25 20:14
推 Kimbel: 那個包養網人最多XD 05/25 20:14 → LYheha: 推翻譯 05/25 20:15
推 NoMercy666: 我們有錢留德軟嗎?? 05/25 20:15
推 Addressg: 德軟只能小中產,小中產只有一發,簽別人就沒有德軟,簽 05/25 20:18
→ Addressg: 德軟剩下要簽別人就是底薪 05/25 20:18
噓 x741852: 紅明顯 請問一下goolge了一下Ar不是美國籍嗎?為什麼德 05/25 20:19
推 tale1890: 我妹上包養網被我發現= = 05/25 20:19 → x741852: 軟會找ar一起? 05/25 20:19
推 asdfzx: 湖只能小中產,如果別隊開千萬以上就留不住了,跟去年Monk 05/25 20:21
→ asdfzx: 一樣 05/25 20:21
推 samuelass: AR外婆德國人 05/25 20:23
推 jetloading00: 外婆德國人,去年德國籃協就開始徵詢,今年國家隊 05/25 20:27
推 waterway: 隔壁桌的人竟然在討論包養... 05/25 20:27 → jetloading00: 一哥直接去幫忙遊說 05/25 20:27
推 asdfzx: 經典賽既視感,沾到邊就可以報該國 05/25 20:30
推 peanut7516: 推翻譯 05/25 20:34
推 lakb24: 優先順位德軟應該是在草之前的,好的替補控球絕對比二三 05/25 20:34
→ lakb24: 號難找 05/25 20:34
推 mark1888: 樓上是不是被包養 05/25 20:34 推 Addressg: MONK在的話和;金塊神仙打架可惜 05/25 20:35
推 xjapan329: 推 05/25 20:38
推 gaucher: AR的哥哥也長住德國 05/25 20:39
推 jetloading00: 草不是順位的問題,留他反而要考慮卡到Max 05/25 20:39
→ jetloading00: 因為你必須給Max時間 總不太可能讓他當三陣備用 他 05/25 20:39
推 Quaranta: 未看先猜這包養網 05/25 20:39 → jetloading00: 跟Max誰去三號替補的話都不適合 二號是最好 所以卡 05/25 20:39
→ jetloading00: Max靠著手長或許可以勉強扛三,但長期放二號發展才 05/25 20:40
→ jetloading00: 是對的,Jesse說的位置身材優勢才能展現 05/25 20:40
推 kobegary34: Max自己都說佩總跟火腿都跟他說明年目標就是站穩輪替 05/25 20:44
→ kobegary34: 了,該給的時間還是會給 而且Max進步速度是肉眼可見 05/25 20:44
推 schlemm: 一定又是這包養網 05/25 20:44 → kobegary34: 的快 05/25 20:44
推 lakb24: 不過不留草除了考慮到Max以外,應該還有考慮到有可能會透 05/25 20:49
→ lakb24: 過選秀或交易找來其他側翼,到時候草就真的會變成雞肋了 05/25 20:49
推 x741852: 謝謝各位解說!不知道ar跟德國還有這一層關系 05/25 20:59
推 kingbar815: 今年軟太香...... 05/25 21:00
推 Wirol: 包養平台不意外 05/25 21:00 → kingbar815: AR跟德軟代表德國......這後場好兇 05/25 21:01
推 lwei781: 沒約的他說希望老頭回來... 05/25 21:14
→ totoro7923: Max就滿滿的醬包味.... 05/25 21:16
推 lwei781: 草就是完全和Max 重疊,除非就是當第三 05/25 21:17
→ lwei781: 一到三號某些時間很可能要出來給 17 05/25 21:18
推 marecht: 覺得包養網EY嗎 05/25 21:18 推 kkl522608: 感謝整理翻譯! 05/25 21:18
→ lwei781: 選秀和雙向搞定 才有可能決定草/TBJ 這類的 05/25 21:19
→ lwei781: SJ 也是 05/25 21:19
推 TimmyWendell: 推翻譯,軟哥加油,拿大約要走也是支持! 05/25 21:28
推 sodistrues: 推 05/25 21:29
推 riokio: 包養網站葉配啦 05/25 21:29 推 rickykobe: 親兒子啊 便宜留下吧 腿總的價值展現 05/25 21:52
推 ksuenjjr: 原來AR有機會打德國嗎感覺好特別,不過還是希望他們能 05/25 22:03
→ ksuenjjr: 休息QQ 05/25 22:03
→ ksuenjjr: 德軟是痠痛發炎,比較需要動刀的反而是老詹,不過季後 05/25 22:03
→ ksuenjjr: 賽都打了感覺應該就靠休養了 05/25 22:03
推 wiimas: 記者收了包養網多少啦 05/25 22:03 推 jamescle23: 德軟的110%投入真的看得出來,帶傷打令人感動 05/25 22:17
推 tzu0217: 德軟拼搶球的態度 值得敬佩 05/25 22:26
推 truthzero: 軟哥別走~ 05/25 23:01
推 aa89028500: 這季超愛得軟,有夠拼命 05/25 23:05
推 uf1276: 德軟真的留不住也沒辦法 05/25 23:07
推 Branlli: 包養真亂 05/25 23:07 → jefflin035: 希望留的住 05/26 00:05
推 allssddaa: 德軟在別隊不會這麼好用吧 05/26 00:20
→ linchw: 他不是要開刀嗎? 05/26 01:13
推 Jerry0924: 軟哥今年真的扛 05/26 04:50
→ KobeisMVP: 軟哥辛苦了! 05/26 06:30
推 Cinedt: 演藝圈一堆包養好嗎 05/26 06:30 → sodistrues: 希望留的住 05/26 07:56
推 xjapan329: 留下來在拼一次吧 05/26 08:34
推 jason0271: 德軟這季真的很罩啊 05/26 08:35
推 ltmps: 希望他夏天能休息,多練穩外線 05/26 09:43
推 Solid4: AR祖母還曾祖母是德國人 05/26 11:02
推 Drither: 政治圈一堆包養好嗎 05/26 11:02 推 rl55586: 德軟好用 05/26 11:09
推 One102bird: 能留住嗎? 05/26 15:49
推 feathery: 推德軟 這次回來拿底薪真的仁至義盡 離開也是祝福 05/26 21:27
推 cutejerry25: 推 05/27 21:20
推 davidkao0428: 德軟真的扛 05/30 15:39
推 Notker: 有錢人一堆包養好嗎 05/30 15:39